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Main Page > Services > Next-generation sequencing > Animal and plant genomes de novo sequencing

Service introduction

        Genome de novo sequencing, also known as de novo genome sequencing, is a method of sequencing the entire genome of a species without relying on a reference genome. This can be used to study the genome of a newly discovered species or to generate a more accurate and complete genome assembly of a species with a complex or highly repetitive genome.


Technical procedures






Services provided

        We offer a variety of services related to genome de novo sequencing, including:

        Genome survey: This service provides an overview of the genome, including its size, GC content, and repetitiveness.

        Genome assembly statistics: This service provides information about the quality of the genome assembly, such as the average read depth and the N50 length of the contigs.

        Genome annotation and gene function classification: This service assigns genes to functional categories and predicts their functions.

        Comparative genomics and evolutionary analysis: This service compares the genome to other genomes to identify similarities and differences.


Assembly evaluation standards




Sample requirements






动植物基因组de novo 测序

小片段文库样本制备需要总量大于 1 μg 的样品,mate-pair 文库(2 kb、5 kb、10 kb、)样品,制备需要总量 20-50 μg 

样品浓度 >200 ng/μl,OD260/280 介于 1.8-2.0 之间,无蛋白质、RNA 或者肉眼可见杂质污染

请保存于干粉、酒精、TE buffer 或超纯水中,并请在样品信息单中注明

基因组完整、无降解,电泳结果基因组 DNA 主带应在入 -Hind llldigest 最大条带 23 KB 以上且主带清晰,无弥散


Guangzhou IGE Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Email: marketing@igebio.com
QQ: 1787730693
Address: Building G1-903, South China New Materials Innovation Park, #31 Kefeng Road, Huangpu Dist. Guangzhou, Guangdong prov. China 510663

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